Hi, my name is Vardhit Jain
I'm the Java Developer.

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As a beginner in the field of Information Technology, I strive to associate myself with an organization where I can utilize my skills in the best possible manner, which further gives me an opportunity to grow in my career journey while contributing to the development of the organization.

My hobbies are sketching and reading books. Along with this, I also like cooking I like learning new skills and recently I have been interested in exploring different languages as they help me explore new cultures around the world. I started learning Japanese online. I generally spend my weekends focusing on exploring new

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Smart Brain

Developed a Full-stack Face Recognition application with ReactJs, that allows a user to Sign in / Register an account. Maintained a user database that is fully authenticated andpassword-encrypted. The user will enter any image URL available on the internet,and our application will use the Clarifai API's face detectionmodel to detect faces in that image.
Tools & Technologies Used:
JavaScript, React, Sublime Text, Node js, Database: postgres Sql, Heroku

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Ball Breakout Game

Developed a Breakout Ball a popular arcade game using Java Swingand AWT In Ball Breakout, a layer of bricks lines the top third of thescreen and the goal is to destroy them all by repeatedly bouncing a ball off a paddle into them.
Tools & Technologies Used:
JAVA, JFrame, JPannel, Swing, AWT

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Weather's Choice

Here we look at weather data & according to current day weather we recommend to the user what type of cloth the user should wear according to the user's cloth style preference. So, here we are using flask as a framework & we are using open weather API for weather prediction for the current day and further seven days

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